Tuesday 10 November 2015

The bigger Picture

This past weekend, one of Kenya's famous DJ's (Dj Creme De La Crème ) made headlines after appearing in a sex tape with a lady who was not his wife.....regardless to say he, the tape, the lady in the tape were all trending. I have to be completely honest and admit that I
had never heard about him before the scandal and I had no idea why it was such a big deal because last year there were ads on all major TV stations saying that a leading cause of the spread of HIV/AIDS in the country is 'mpango-wa-kando' which roughly translates to 'extramarital affair'.

I've heard all manner of comments about him and the lady in the sex tape, I've also read many comments from people. Most are 'demonizing' him and men in general for 'cheating' and being 'unfaithful'. Other's were 'demonizing' the lady in the tape and young girls who seek out married men as opposed to single guys...you get the gist. I will not state my opinion about the incident and this post isn't about Dj Creme or the tape. I just want to shed light to the bigger picture. 

The fabric of Kenyan society i.e. marriage and family is breaking down at an alarming rate.

Something needs to be done before things get completely out of hand. Something needs to be done before the millennials  grow up thinking this is the norm.  Instead of pointing fingers and judging others actions look at yourself. Look at your family, look at your marriage. Dj Creme's dirty laundry was aired in public; what if yours was put in the open for all to see and know? What would it do to your family? What image of you would resonate with the public?

Ask yourself these questions. Reflect upon them and make the necessary changes. Make those changes a daily routine; make it a lifestyle change. Start with the man/woman in the mirror.